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Toi la Tran Xuan Hai hien dang o Hai Phong Viet Nam Toi co the lam duoc trong nganh CNTT ( 5 nam kinh nghiem lam trong 1 cong ty Trung Quoc) ngoai ra co kha nang ban hang , kinh doanh Toi rat mong muon duoc toi Sec lam viec Moi lien he xin gui toi dia chi Emal tranxuanhai83@gmail.com
hoac sdt 84.031.3891515
Tim Viec
(Trinh Hoang Long, 13. 12. 2008 14:58)20 tuoi,Kha nang tieng sec tot,tieng ang a tieng duc giao tiep,su dung pc van phong tot.vi li do hoc hanh o praha,can tim viec o praha tu thu hai den thu sau.
Nguyen Viet Hien
(hiennguyenviet@gmail.com, 4. 6. 2008 6:23)
Toi la nguyen viet Hien, 28 tuoi, toi dang o Viet Nam. Toi da tot nghiep dai hoc, toi mong muon duoc tim viec tai CH Sec. Toi co the lap rap may moc thiet bị, linh kien dien tu, ban hang, kinh doanh.... hoac tim kiem cac doi tac cung cap cac loai hang hoa tu Viet Nam.
Neu ai co nhu cau tuyen dung xin vui long lien he voi toi:
Nguyen Viet Hien
Email: hiennguyenviet@gmail.com
Nguyen Viet Hien
(hiennguyenviet@gmail.com, 4. 6. 2008 6:18)
Tôi là Nguyễn Việt Hiền, 28 tuổi, hiện đang ở Việt Nam, tôi đã tốt nghiệp Đại học. Tôi muốn tìm việc tại CH Séc. Tôi có thể làm việc lắp ráp máy móc thiết bị, linh kiện điện tử, bán hàng, kinh doanh...hoặc tìm kiếm các đối tác cung cấp các loại hàng hoá từ Việt Nam.....
Ai có nhu cầu tuyển dụng xin vui lòng liên hệ:
Nguyễn Việt Hiền
ĐT: 084.0988.548.280
Tiem viec
(Tim viec, 2. 4. 2008 9:46)
toi la Nguyen Van An
Toi hoc CNTT toi ngay 06/04 co mat tai RUDa Ch SEC toi muon tim 1 CV cho minh toi co ther la ve Dien tu? hoac tho Han` va co the Phu ban hang`
ai co nhu cau tuyen xin lien he voi toi
Email: langkhach999@gmail.com
Supplying Vietnamese worker to overseas has started in 1980s by Department of International Cooperation on Labor under Ministry of Labor Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (MOLISA). Only within 10 years of operation, Viet Nam have supplied over 300.000 workers to go abroad for working in certain term, almost East Europe countries belong to Socialist country in the past.
In 1993, in the arena of economic transition, with a view of promoting to export labor as a leading socio-economic activity, the minister of Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (MOLISA) decided to establish the Overseas Labor Service (SONA) with overseas manpower supply as the main function.
In 1997, only after 5 years of foundation, SONA became one of the leading company operating in supplying labor and also extended to other fields such as training, import-export directly, overseas consultancy, airline agent, and other services,… and on the basis premises solidifies, the company name changed to International Manpower Supply and Trade Company (SONA) by the Minister of Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (MOLISA).
Beginning to supply labor mostly to socialist countries in the East Europe in the past, now SONA has supplied over 20.000.000 workers to over 20 countries and other territory in the world such as Libya, Arab Emirates, Arap Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan…, permanently, there are about 10.000 workers working in the world.
Base on the advantages of good cooperation with Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Department system in the whole country, SONA have a plenty source of labor with all different professions. SONA supply manpower to the overseas labor market with copious and manifold profession including simple labor as general worker, house maids to higher skill as welder, electrician, mason, tilter, fitter, turner so on …. as well as high tech experts of key industrial such as informatics technology, biology technology …
SONA Co., has a system to support employees arrange all procedure within Viet Nam and assist them during their stay in overseas. This supporting system creates favorable conditions for Vietnamese workers approaching international labour market and feel secure during working in overseas.
Besides, In order to settle the problem of workers and employer, SONA have set up a system of representatives and offices in Taiwan, Malaysia, Dubai, Korea, Qatar, Japan…….. SONA always considers the difficulties of employees, employers and partners as SONA’s one, SONA tries the best to settle speedily and effectively.
SONA always desires to cooperate and further develop cooperate with domestic and international partners and ensure for highest quality and prestige cooperation, provide the best service to meet the clients’ demand and their beneficiaries
Email :sonahcm@hcm.fpt.vn
Tel : 0084 8 9484053
Fax : 0084 8 9484052
tim viec
(nguyenhungstyle@yahoo.com.vn, 5. 3. 2008 8:20)toi la nguyen quang hung, 31 tuoi hien dang o viet nam. Trinh do: cu nhan quan tri kinh doanh. Toi co mong muon tim viec tai cong hoa sec va cac nuoc trong khoi EU. Cac don vij co nhu cau tuyen dung xin lien lac de trao doi them. so dien thoai: 084 04 6403178 hoac 084 0906998886. xin cam on
Can tim Viec gap
(Tran Xuan Hai, 19. 12. 2008 3:37)